§ 28 PfandBG (Pfandbrief Act - German Law on Mortgage Bonds)

Since the 19th July 2005 the new Pfandbrief Act has been in force in Germany. It replaces the Mortgage Act, the Act on Ship Mortgage Banks and the Law on Pfandbriefe (German mortgage bonds) and Similar Bonds Issued by Public-Law Credit Institutions. The Pfandbrief Act is enforced in close coordination with the loss of government backing for public banks. With this Act the “special bank principle” is abolished and all German credit institutes have the right to issue Pfandbriefe. So that the high demands that investors have for Pfandbriefe continue to be met, the Pfandbrief Act has been constructed with strict legal precautions.

The former Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank AG has been issuing Pfandbriefe (Hypothekenpfandbriefe and Public Pfandbriefe) for years.

We publish quarterly, in accordance with § 28 of the Pfandbrief Act, the following details:

  • § 28 Para. 1 No. 1-3: Pfandbriefe in circulation and the covering value used
  • § 28 Para. 2 No. 1a: Claims used for the covering of Hypothekenpfandbriefe according to size groups
  • § 28 Para. 2 No. 1b: Distribution of the covering mortgages according to federal state
  • § 28 Para. 2 No. 1b, c: Claims used for the covering of Hypothekenpfandbriefe according to the district in which the loaned piece of land is situated and according to the nature of its use
  • § 28 Para. 2 No. 2: Debt in arrears on mortagage claims
  • § 28 Para. 3 No. 1: Claims used for the covering of Public Pfandbriefe
  • § 28 Para. 3 No. 2: Claims used for the covering of Public Pfandbriefe