Reorganisation of WestLB AG Managing Board
  • Dietrich Voigtländer and Hubert Beckmann appointed Vice Chairmen of the Managing Board
  • Dr. Norbert Emmerich to leave the Managing Board by amicable and mutual consent

Following the appointment of the new Managing Board Chairman Heinz Hilgert, who will take office on May 1, 2008, the Supervisory Board of WestLB AG unanimously approved further changes to the WestLB Managing Board at its meeting on April 23, 2008.

Dietrich Voigtländer and Hubert Beckmann have been appointed new Vice Chairmen of the Managing Board of WestLB AG.

Dietrich Voigtländer, who is 49, is currently a member of the Managing Board and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of DZ-Bank, with responsibility for IT, Process Management and Transaction Banking. He will also assume these functions as COO at WestLB AG, contributing actively to optimising processes and increasing efficiency. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Niehaus is currently acting COO at WestLB AG. Dr. Niehaus will now focus on his role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Hubert Beckmann, who is 50, is currently Chairman of the Managing Board of Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank (WIB), WestLB´s highly successful real estate subsidiary. He previously sat on the Managing Board of Sparkasse Dresden. He will succeed Dr. Norbert Emmerich on the Managing Board. With responsibility for the savings banks, mid caps and real estate businesses, he will have the task of driving forward the realignment of the Bank´s business policy.

Michael Breuer, Chairman of the WestLB Supervisory Board, said:

“With Dietrich Voigtländer and Hubert Beckmann, we are fortunate to have acquired the services of two further highly qualified and experienced bankers for the Managing Board of WestLB, following the recent appointment of Heinz Hilgert. The Supervisory Board is convinced that, with Heinz Hilgert and the other members of the Managing Board, they will successfully engineer the necessary realignment and restructuring of the Bank with vigour and determination.”

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board of WestLB AG expressed their sincere gratitude to Dr. Norbert Emmerich, Vice Chairman of the WestLB AG Managing Board, who will step down from office effective April 30, 2008 by amicable and mutual consent. The departure of Dr.Emmerich reflects the new focus of WestLB AG under its new chairman Heinz Hilgert.

Michael Breuer added:

“WestLB AG would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Emmerich for his notable contribution on behalf of the Bank and the Group. We wish Dr. Emmerich all the very best both professionally and personally for the future.”