Mainz, 1 October 2013 - Some reports in the press in recent days have suggested that the NCUA, the US supervisory authority for credit unions, has filed a lawsuit in the USA against 13 banks, including WestImmo, for alleged manipulation of LIBOR, the benchmark interest rate.
Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank AG (WestImmo) wishes to make it clear that it has not been a member of the LIBOR panel at any stage and thus has not been involved at any time in the calculation or fixing of the LIBOR rate. It therefore rejects the accusations of manipulation of the LIBOR rate. The bank will defend itself strongly against any action brought against it in this regard and has instructed a leading American law firm to represent its interests.
Please direct any queries to: Frank Heid. Phone 06131 9280-7386
WestImmo is specialised on commercial real estate financing. The financed properties are offices, commercial and residential real estate as well as shopping centres, hotels, logistics facilities and public buildings. WestImmo is a fully owned subsidiary of Erste Abwicklungsanstalt AöR (EAA), based in Düsseldorf. The latter acquired the shares in WestImmo-Anteile from Portigon AG (WestLB AG until July 2012) in August 2012.