WestImmo finances the office building Rijkskantoor Hanzeland, Netherlands

Mainz, 11 January 2011:  Acting as Arranger, Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank AG (WestImmo) is financing the purchase of an office building in the amount of € 18 m. Located in a well-established area in the city center of Zwolle, the financing is for a closed property fund of Hanzevast Capital N.V., a well-known provider of property and shipping funds. The tenant is the Rijksgebouwendienst, the Dutch Goverment 's real estate administration. The building with a floor space of 15.300 sqm, is occupied  by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and by SenterNovem, a federal agency for technology. The nine year old building is in a good condition and meets the requirements of the Dutch Government. More investments in the next years will fulfill the increasing requirements of energy standards.

Notes to Editors:

Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank AG (WestImmo) is one of Germany's leading commercial real estate financers and maintains a strong presence in the Western, Central and Eastern European markets, as well as in North America and Asia. WestImmo's corporate customers include global institutional investors, international developers and companies operating in the real estate sector. With 480 employees and total assets of approx. € 26 bn, WestImmo is a strong and competent partner in all real estate transactions and financing activities.